ICT Week continues in Uzbekistan

UzA, Tashkent, 24 Sep 2008 – The Week of information and communication technologies is continuing in Uzbekistan, with a wide range of events on the use and development of ICT.

One of them took place at Tashkent University of Information Technologies. This is the fourth Central Asian International Conference on the Internet and the new generation of portable, wireless and optical networks – ICI 2008.

The aim of the conference is to promote sharing of experiences with foreign scientists and researchers in important areas of information technologies, to discuss the possibilities of innovation, applied research and development in wireless and optical industry.

The forum was attended by local scientists and technicians and their colleagues from Russia, Italy, USA, France, Israel, India, Finland, Turkey, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and South Korea.

The ICI 2008 topics included mobile wireless and optical communications, networking, applications for electronic and mobile commerce, design, development, management and operation of next generation networks.

The annual conference promotes education and research collaboration of scientists and engineers from various universities and other organizations in the field of ICT.

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