OSCE media freedom representative visits Turkmenistan

OSCE, Ashgabad, 05 Sep 2008 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti,…

Azerbaijan: Editor-in-chief imprisoned

Day.az, Baku, 05 Sep 2008 – The Yasamal district court of Baku, presided by judge Tahir…

Armenia: August became a record month by incidents with journalists

YPC, Yerevan, 05 Sep 2008 – On August 21 Yerevan Press Club, the Committee to Protect…

Tajikistan: Court restores the journalist to the work place

NANSMIT, Dushanbe, 04 Sep 2008 – The former employee of radio “Freedom” (RFE/RL) Kholiki Sanguin is…

Journalists and Justice: Three-day workshop in Yerevan conducted by Lithuanian experts

CJTeam, Yerevan, 05 Sep 2008 – In October 2008 “Journalists’ Team for Sustainable Future” NGO with…

Uzbek ex-spy blames President Karimov for massacre

Uznews, Tashkent, 03 Sep 2008 – Ikram Yakubov, a former operative of the Uzbek National Security…

OSCE Office presents press vests to Azerbaijani journalists

OSCE, Baku, 03 Sep 2008 – Two hundred vests that will clearly identify journalists during public…

Azerbaijan: OANA Executive Board meeting kicks off in Baku

AzerTAg, Baku, 02 Sep 2008 – The 30th OANA Executive Board Meeting “News for Everybody in…

International action of journalists in support of colleagues in Turkmenistan

Gundogar, Moscow, 02 Sep 2008 – The initiative group of graduates of faculty of journalism of…

Azerbaijan: Two more journalists' complaint sent to European Court on Human Rights

IRFS, Baku, 01 Sep 2008 – The complaints of “Mukhalifat” Newspaper Editor-in-chief Rovshan Kabirli and its…

Uzbekistan: Karakalpak journalist’s case sent to court

Uznews, Nukus, 31 Aug 2008 – The Karakalpak prosecutor’s office has sent the case of journalist…