Voice of America facing problems with beaming to Uzbekistan

Uznews, Tashkent, 01 May 2009 – The Voice of America Uzbek Service has been facing many problems for several years: it was closed by the US government, but later it was launched again. However, it may be closed down again any time because of financial problems.

The US embassy in Tashkent organised a live link-up with the Voice of America Uzbek Service’s host Odil Ruzaliyev for Uzbek journalists on Thursday.

Ruzaliyev told Uzbek journalists that his radio’s reach was limited in Uzbekistan.

He noted that only half of the radio’s 30-minute programme was devoted to Uzbek affairs while only satellite aerials could receive the signal.

Ruzaliyev said that his radio’s website was blocked in Uzbekistan even though its news reports were impartial.

The Voice of America Uzbek Service may be closed down any time. It was already shut in 2004 but it was reopened in 2005 after the Andijan events.

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