Uzbek rights activist wins US award

Uznews, Tashkent, 09 Mar 2009 – Human rights activist Mutabar Tajibayeva will fly from Paris to Washington on 7 March to receive US government For Courage award. This is her third international award after she was released from prison in summer 2008.

Hilary Clinton will present the award to Tajibayeva, 46, the head of Fergana’s Fiery Hearts Club, at the US State Department.

Tajibayeva also received human rights awards in Switzerland and France, which made the Uzbek authorities change their attitudes towards her but continue to watch her constantly.

“This constant control and her health damaged in prison prevent me from returning to human rights activists,” she said. “But many people come to me to complain about abuse and corruption.

She also said the government and the media in Uzbekistan always tried to blacken her and other activists.

She also stressed that she would ask the USA to pay attention to human rights in its relations with Uzbekistan.

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