Georgia: Gamgeoba Representative Censures Local TV Information Service Activities

Kakheti Information Center, Kakheti, 18 Feb 2009 – Gela Megrelishvili of the Gurjaani (eastern Georgia) Municipality Gamgeoba censored the Gurjaani TV information service activities reporting through the same TV on the evening of February 17. According to Megrelishvili TV correspondents are purposefully seeking problems, socially unprotected people to constantly criticize the local authorities.

The anchor of the programme indicated the official to his interference into the editorial independence of the TV company, Megrelishvili thereupon pointed out that “new Gamgebeli deserves no criticism but TV news are constantly covering problems.”

The TV statements by the Gamgeoba representative was followed by calls on live. The callers demanded Megrelishvili to name whose viewpoints he had been voicing, though the latter did not respond.

Independent Gurjaani TV has been broadcasting in Kakheti since 1993 through the 11th metric channel and its potential audience amounts to 275,000 people.

The Gurjaani TV information service provides news on the developments in Kakheti region three times per day.

Number of View: 14153

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