Russian Ambassador To Azerbaijan Holds Press Conference For Only 4 Journalists

Day.Az, Baku, 11 Aug 2004 – Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan Vasili Istratov held a press conference regarding the military actions between Georgia and Russia. According to Day.Az, only 4 journalists have been invited for the press conference with 2 representing Russian news agencies.

As is seen, most of Azerbaijani mass medias, including Day.Az, have not been invited to the press conference. It would be unnecessary to remind that on the background of Russia’s aggression against Georgia, the press conference of the Russian ambassador is among the most interesting events for the journalists.

Yet, Istratov seemed to avoid uncomfortable questions, preferring to speak with fewer journalists.

It is clear because if the ambassador invites the journalists, who usually attend his arrangements, he will have to take the rap for Russia’s actions, which can be called only occupation.

Knowing the negative public opinion in Azerbaijan regarding Russia’s actions in Georgian territory, the ambassador preferred to hold a press conference for just making a report to his leadership and invite journalists, who will not ask “unpleasant” questions to the Russian ambassador and further write about it by some objective reasons.

But if we hold the monitoring of Russian TV channels, which are the reflection of propaganda mechanism of the official Kremlin, the actions of the Russian ambassador to Azerbaijan are not surprising.

Russia’s lie will not be accepted in Azerbaijan and being aware of it, the embassy preferred to escape the questions, to which they have no answers.

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