Russian Intelligence Services Attack Azerbaijan Based News Site

Day.Az, Baku, 11 Aug 2008 – Russian hackers by the tip of Russian intelligence services have undertaken an unprecedented attack against the servers of the Azerbaijani Day.Az News Agency. The reason of the attack was Day.Az’s position in covering the Russian-Georgian conflict.

According to Day.Az editor-in-chief Elnur Baimov, the hacker attacks from the “Russian direction” have occurred since the first day of the conflict, but the current scale of the DDOS-attacks evidences the involvement of a group, regulated from a single center.

It should be reminded that Russian intelligence services have disabled the information and governmental websites of Georgia through the past two days.

“We are closely dealing with raising technical capacities to resist the attacks. We present our apologizes to the readers for inconveniences. The main thing is that we are right”, said Baimov.

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