Georgia: Public Broadcaster Solicits for Additional GEL 7 Million, Tbilisi, 17 Nov 2008 – Georgian Public Broadcaster is soliciting for additional GEL 7 million to be spent on technical equipment of Channel 2. The budget proposal of FY 2009 already foresees financing GPB with GEL 26 million.

According to the board of trustees’ chairman, Levan Gakheladze additional funds are needed as a decision to transform Channel 2 into a political channel has been made recently.

As he states broadcasting area of Channel 2 shall be broadened and broadcasting quality which is fiercely criticized shall be improved.

“Due to technical issues Channel 2 practically covers Tbilisi only. Outdated and inoperative transmitter shall be changed by new ones”, – Levan Gakheladze stated.

Under the Law on Broadcasting funds allocated for GPB shall not be less than 0.15% of the gross domestic product.

Number of View: 11230

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