Uzbekistan: Journalism student murdered, Tashkent, 18 Jan 2009 – The body of journalism student Madina Mirzayeva who went missing in late December was found in Tashkent few days ago. It was chopped into 18 parts. Official bodies talk about “pure” crime. Tashkent police say that the motive for the murder of Madina Mirzayeva, who was a student of the Uzbek University of World Languages, was her rejection of a young man who chopped her body.

A source in police said that Madina Mirzayeva dined with her acquaintance at the end of December who stabbed her after she refused his advances.

He later confessed about this to her father Gulyam Mirzayev, who was in a state of shock because of the disappearance of her daughter. Mirzayev persuaded him to tell police about his crime. The young man is under arrest now.

When Madina disappeared and later her body was found rumours spread that the young woman’s death might be politically motivated because her father is a journalist.

He worked for the UzA national news agency for a long time, and from there he was transferred to the Uzbek presidential press service, where he is still working now.

However, these rumours were denied by both police and local independent observers.

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