RFE/RL Freelance Correspondent Beaten in Tajikistan

Trend, Kulob, 08 Jan 2008 – An independent journalist in Tajikistan’s southern city of Kulob was attacked and beaten on January 5, reported RFE/RL. Abdumumin Sherkhonov, editor in chief of the independent “Pazhvok” newspaper and a freelance correspondent of RFE/RL’s Tajik Service, says he was on his way to work when three men stopped him.

One of them introduced himself as an official of the Interior Ministry, presenting what he said was his ID. The men then threatened Sherkhonov with arrest. When Sherkhonov refused to talk to them, they started beating him, knocking him to the pavement. Passersby interfered and rescued the journalist. Sherkhonov say he believes the attack was connected to his professional activities.

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