Uzbekistan: Summit on Information and Communication Technologies ends

UzA, Tashkent, 26 Sep 2008 – The sixth Summit of the Information and Communication Technologies concluded in Tashkent. It was attended by about 400 delegates from Uzbekistan, Britain, Germany, South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Lithuania, Kyrgyzstan, the USA and other countries.

The organizers of the forum were the Committee on ICT of the Legislative Chamber, the Coordinating Council for development of computerization and ICT, the Uzbek Agency of Communication and Information, the UNDP “ICT Policy” Project and the IT Association of Uzbekistan.

Leading IT specialists, representatives of the government, civil society and international organizations, heads of domestic and foreign IT companies discussed the ICT policy issues in various spheres of society. Among the considered topics were industry development strategy, technology and infrastructure, applications and solutions.

The speakers touched upon various aspects of implementation and use of information resources in the economy, social sphere, science, education, culture, sports and international relations. They considered problems of introducing electronic government, e-commerce, e-education, e-health, access to information and knowledge on the web and national information retrieval systems. Attention was also paid to problems and prospects of development of electronic payment systems and electronic documentation.

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