Tajikistan: Efficient cooperation among the media and government press services

NANSMIT, Dushanbe, 27 Aug 2008 – On 26 June, in Dushanbe, representatives of the government press services met with the Tajik media to discuss the issues of public awareness and timely provision of information.

The round table was organized by the Independent School of Journalism “Tajikistan, XXI Century” within the framework of the project “Access to Information: Cooperation and Transparency”.

Safo Safarov, director of the Independent School of Journalism told Asia Plus news agency that the project on access to information is being implemented under support of the Norwegian branch of Helsinki Committee.

The main goal of the project is to facilitate in access to publicly important information through efficient cooperation among the media and the government press offices.

Safarov says that the project is designed as a series of workshops and master classes to cover approximately 40 media professionals and employees of press services.

Implementers of the project are planning to design a unified thematic textbook in Russian and Tajik languages to provide technical, information and consulting assistance to the target group.

It is expected that representatives of the president’s office, the parliament, the national government, the supreme court, media structures, public and international organizations will take place in the workshops.

Note: Public organization Independent School of Journalism “Tajikistan, XXI Century” was founded in June 1999. The main goals of the agency are: vocational training for media professionals, development of the information market in Tajikistan, and strengthening of competition among journalists. The school has implemented about 20 various projects, including “Tajikistan – Afghanistan: Bridges of Friendship”, “Tajik Journalism in New Century”, “Media Management”, etc.

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