Xocalı soyqırımı günü ilə bağlı beynəlxalq təşkilatlara müraciətAppeal to international organizations on Khojali Genocide Day

Biz, Azərbaycan xalqı…

Dear colleagues and friends,

I am appealing to you on behalf of my organization – Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN), based in Baku, Azerbaijan and dealing with freedom of expression issues. Today the people of Azerbaijan all around the world commemorate one of the gravest tragedies of the 20th century – massacre of civilians in a small Azerbaijani town called Khojali which is still under occupation of another South Caucasus Republic – Armenia.

Khojali was attacked and totally destroyed by Armenian armed forces with support of Russia`s 366th regiment in the night from 25th to 26th of February, 1992. This happened within hours, within one night. And the result was terrible: 613 civilians were killed: of whom 106 were women, 70 were elderly and 63 were children. 8 families were destroyed and killed completely, 25 children had lost both parents, 130 children had lost one parent. 487 people, of whom 76 were children, were wounded. Armenians captured 1275 Azerbaijani civilians, 150 of whom still are missing.

You can think, why am I appealing to you? What is the reason making us to appeal to international human rights and journalist organizations?

Sometimes our journalist and human rights colleagues not having enough information about this tragedy cover the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict unilaterally and even blame Azerbaijan for being not tolerant towards Armenians. We understand that of course not all Armenians can be guilty for the tragedies like Khojali. But we understand and assure you that the one who can be considered responsible for such a crime is Armenian political establishment and we are surprised why the world community is still tolerating this injustice. We don`t ask the world media to support us. We just ask them to be true, accurate and not biased only. We also are the people. We are not keeping under occupation Armenian lands, in contrary, it is Armenia which occupied and still keeps under occupation Azerbaijani lands. And it is Armenia too which is blaming Azerbaijan for being not tolerant towards Armenians.

Dear colleagues and friends,

We hope that you will accept our appeal with understanding and blame those who kills peaceful civilians. We, the people of Azerbaijan all around the world commemorate Khojali Genocide committed by Armenians with support of Russian Army and rely on your support.

With regards: Azer Hasret,

Chairman, Central Asian & Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN)
Baku, Azerbaijan

We, the people of Azerbaijan…

Dear colleagues and friends,

I am appealing to you on behalf of my organization – Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN), based in Baku, Azerbaijan and dealing with freedom of expression issues. Today the people of Azerbaijan all around the world commemorate one of the gravest tragedies of the 20th century – massacre of civilians in a small Azerbaijani town called Khojali which is still under occupation of another South Caucasus Republic – Armenia.

Khojali was attacked and totally destroyed by Armenian armed forces with support of Russia`s 366th regiment in the night from 25th to 26th of February, 1992. This happened within hours, within one night. And the result was terrible: 613 civilians were killed: of whom 106 were women, 70 were elderly and 63 were children. 8 families were destroyed and killed completely, 25 children had lost both parents, 130 children had lost one parent. 487 people, of whom 76 were children, were wounded. Armenians captured 1275 Azerbaijani civilians, 150 of whom still are missing.

You can think, why am I appealing to you? What is the reason making us to appeal to international human rights and journalist organizations?

Sometimes our journalist and human rights colleagues not having enough information about this tragedy cover the Armenian-Azerbaijan conflict unilaterally and even blame Azerbaijan for being not tolerant towards Armenians. We understand that of course not all Armenians can be guilty for the tragedies like Khojali. But we understand and assure you that the one who can be considered responsible for such a crime is Armenian political establishment and we are surprised why the world community is still tolerating this injustice. We don`t ask the world media to support us. We just ask them to be true, accurate and not biased only. We also are the people. We are not keeping under occupation Armenian lands, in contrary, it is Armenia which occupied and still keeps under occupation Azerbaijani lands. And it is Armenia too which is blaming Azerbaijan for being not tolerant towards Armenians.

Dear colleagues and friends,

We hope that you will accept our appeal with understanding and blame those who kills peaceful civilians. We, the people of Azerbaijan all around the world commemorate Khojali Genocide committed by Armenians with support of Russian Army and rely on your support.

With regards: Azer Hasret,

Chairman, Central Asian & Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN)
Baku, Azerbaijan

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