Uzbekistan: Prosecutors claim Karakalpak journalist was drunk when detained

Uznews, Nukus, 19 Aug 2008 – The Nukus town prosecutor’s office has sent back the case of Karakalpak journalist and human rights activist Salijon Abdurahmanov for additional investigation, demanding that he must have been drunk when detained with drugs.

Bahrom Abdurahmanov, brother and lawyer of Salijon, said that prosecutors demanded that investigators establish whether Abdurahmanov was drunk when detained despite the fact that medical tests made at the time showed he had no alcohol in his blood.

The lawyer said that his defendant stated back in June that he had not consumed alcohol either before or after 7 June when he was detained for storing and consuming drugs as the investigation claimed.

“Anyway, after the prosecutor’s office demanded the investigation has questioned Salijon again and he said he had consumed neither alcohol nor drugs then and that medical tests are either wrong or falsified,” Barhrom Abdurahmanov said.

The lawyer is shocked that prosecutors do not pay attention to the fact that the investigation produced no result of Salijon’s guilt of storing or using drugs but demand new charges be brought against the journalist.

The behaviour of police investigators and prosecutors means that the honest journalist and patriot of Karakalpakstan may soon end up in prison.

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