CASCFEN Calls on Georgian Authorities to Ensure Freedom of Media


And Supports TV PIK Journalists` Protest in Front of Georgian Parliament

Baku, CASCFEN, 24 Oct 2012 – Baku based freedom of expression watchdog – Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN) expresses its support for Russian language TV PIK journalists` protest scheduled to October 25, 2012 in front of Parliament building in Kutaisi, Georgia.

TV PIK and Radio PIK, which were taken off the air recently employs around 400 media workers who as a result of the closure have lost their work place.

This action against PIK TV and Radio channels contradicts European and other international standards while Georgia has taken obligation to ensure freedom of expression through mass media as well.

Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network calls on Georgian authorities to take all necessary steps to ensure free air for PIK TV and Radio channels.


Mr. Azer Hasret
Chairman, CASCFEN
+994 50 335 2795
Baku, Azerbaijan

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