CASCFEN Calls on World Community to press on Iran

Farid Huseyn, Shahriyar Hajizade

CASCFEN, Baku, July 09, 2012 – Central Asian and Southern Caucasian Freedom of Expression Network (CASCFEN), the International Press Institute`s Free Media Pioneer Awardee 2004, calls on world community to intensify pressure on Islamic Republic of Iran in order to achieve release of Azerbaijani poets from detention.

Two citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, young poets Farid Huseyn and Shahriyar Hajizade (del Gherani) were invited by Iranian side to city of Tabriz to take part in an event dedicated to poetry. They traveled to Tabriz on April 29, 2012. After 4 days of being there they were detained by Iranian intelligence service – Ettelaat agents on May 3, 2012 and accused on narcotic transportation. A bit later they were accused of “spying for Israel”.

Eyewitnesses say that the day when Azerbaijani young poets were detained they were waiting to take bus to come to Azerbaijan Republic. Still Iranian side does not make any official explanation on their detention. But several Iranian mass media outlets are spreading confusing information about Farid Huseyn and Shahriyar Hajizade`s overseen punishment up to hanging.

The Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidential Administration are taking all needed steps to ensure release of both young poets. As stated Mr. Ali Hasanov, the head of the Presidential Administration`s Socio-Political Division, “the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan is seriously taking all necessary measures to achieve release of both Azerbaijani citizens from Iranian detention”.

Public opinion in the Republic of Azerbaijan believes that this illegal and inhumane step by Iranian government is taken in order to press on Azerbaijan as the latter is taking part on the side of international community pressing on Iran to come to line with international standards on human rights.

Mr. Azer Hasret, a chairman of CASCFEN said that this is not the first case while the so-called Islamic Republic of Iran is arresting Azerbaijani citizens and accusing them for espionage for Israel. “Two years ago an Azerbaijani scientist also was detained and accused for spying for Israel. And ten years ago an Azerbaijani journalist, editor-in-chief of opposition “Azadliq” daily Mr. Ganimat Zahid also was detained while travelling to Iran. Iranian special services wanted him to “work for Islamic Republic” as a spy. But the Government of Azerbaijan and the late President Mr. Heydar Aliyev forced Iran to free Mr. Zahid. Now I believe that the Government of Azerbaijan and the President Mr. Ilham Aliyev will ensure release of two young poets, citizens of Azerbaijan”.

Mr. Hasret said that to achieve immediate release of Azerbaijani poets from Iranian detention “we call on world community to intensify pressure on Iran”.

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Baku, Azerbaijan
Phone: +994 50 335 2795

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