OSCE Centre in Ashgabat announces photo contest winners

OSCE, Ashgabat, 17 Dec 2009 – The winners of the photo contest launched by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat to celebrate its tenth anniversary were announced today, with the first prize awarded to Igor Lomov for his photo “Twin souls”.

Vladimir Kobushko received the second prize, and the third prize was awarded to Maya Kravtsova. A total of 38 photographers from across Turkmenistan submitted their entries on themes related to combating drug abuse and trafficking, environmental protection and promoting gender equality.

“The winning photo addresses the theme of environmental protection and reminds us that a true love for and harmony with nature will help us preserve its beauty for the next generations,” said Ambassador Arsim Zekolli, the Head of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat. “We welcome the aspiration of Turkmenistan’s photographers to make use of their creativity to share their vision of some important aspects of life.”

Lomov received a Canon EOS-45D camera kit. The prizes were handed out at the opening of a two-day photo exhibition featuring the 50 best photographs submitted for the photo contest.

The photo contest aimed to strengthen photojournalism in Turkmenistan and raise awareness of aspects of comprehensive security promoted by the OSCE Centre.

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